the native “little apples” of mount diablo, and the first green hills of the year!
Hi! Welcome to CauliQueen. I’m busy taking world-class recipes and remixing them through the lens of modern nutrition. These are my favorites. Enjoy! -Victoria

the native “little apples” of mount diablo, and the first green hills of the year!
Attempting to get my sons to learn more plant names in the wild than Pokemon!
Make your own traveling medicine kit
how to find first aid in the wild (and packing your own from the best of the best!)
Move over Adaptogens, Nervines are the New (and also very ancient) Chill Pill.
Some notes on simple pickles from my favorite West Coast Organic Farm
“Some people thought that the witches were bad. Some people feared all of the power they had. But the power to help and to heal is nothing to fear, it is something to share!”
Women with the power to heal scared people in political power…
Kill more plants. Eat more plants. Play with plants, get into their world, and you will learn SO much. Just don’t be afraid of them!
shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil, grapefruit oil, wild orange oil
cayenne, cinnamon, cloves, ephedra, gingko, ginger, ginseng, gotu kola, horseradish, peppermint, prickly ash, sassafras, siberian ginseng, spearmint, guarana, kava kava, kola nut
oats, clay, ground almonds, lavender, rose, chamomile, rose, calendula, comfrey, lavender, lemon balm, lemon peel, sage, rosemary, vinegar, rose water, avocado, honey, turmeric, apricot oil, coconut oil/cacao butter mix, lanolin, beeswax, aloe, V-A&E
peppermint, red rasp leaf, lemon grass, nettle, oatstraw, strawberry leaf, comfrey leaf
the simpler’s method: pour alcohol or vinegar over herb, let sit for a few weeks.
from scratch
My top favorite daily herb blends
oatstraw, chamomile, motherwort, lemonbalm, hawthorne
herbal tea, nut milk, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, pepper, honey, orange, MCT, vanilla
ginger, cinnamon, yarrow, chamomile, lemon balm, peppermint, fennel seeds, nettle, alfalfa, red raspberry leaf
chamomile, bee balm, orange peel, fennel seed, cardamom seeds
Take a couple drops 15 min before eating to help digest your food better!