

Who Were the Witches?

Who Were the Witches?

Women with the power to heal scared people in political power. Women knew the wisdom of plants, REAL medicine, when the religious men at the time were relying on astrology and blood letting. They were scared of the real magic of the “simple” people, to NOT need priests or superstition to heal. The peasant women were the real scientists, and the priests were the quacks! And the strands of the real work of nature has never been forgotten. No matter how much some people long, long ago tried to push out the wise women and their herbs, they will forever be the original doctors.

Who were the witches,

Where did they come from? Maybe your great-great-grandmother was one.

Witches were wise, wise women they say

And there’s a little witch in every woman today.

Witch’s knew all about flowers and weeds

How to use all their roots and their stems and their leaves.

When people grew weary from hard working days

They made them feel better in so many ways.

When women had babies, the witches were there

To hold them and hug them and give them sweet care.

Witches knew stories about how life began.

Do you wish you could be one? Well maybe you can.

Some people thought that the witches were bad.

Some people feared all of the power they had.

But the power to help and to heal and to cure is nothing to fear, it is something to share!

This song was sung at large women’s retreats held by Rosemary Gladstar in Northern California. She brought together hundreds of women, singing this lovely little song. It was learned many years ago from a wonderful midwife/herbalist friend, Nan Koehler, author of Artemis Speaks.

When I started learning about the power of mushrooms, I wondered why we don’t know more about them. Why do much older cultures know so much more than us? Why do we know so much about plants in general, but very little studied about mushrooms, when we know they do so much good for us?

…turned into… What were the witch hunts really about? (And some people trying to ruin their reputation to heal, along w anything associated with them).

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