Hi! Welcome to CauliQueen. I’m busy taking world-class recipes and remixing them through the lens of modern nutrition. These are my favorites. Enjoy! -Victoria

I believe we need to study and understand ourselves, from the fuel we put into our bodies, to the environment we place ourselves in, and our response to it all.
Expand that view to include our interactions and impact, not only on our own bodies, but our minds, our ecosystem, immediate world, the greater population, plants and animals, environment, and our successors. Where do we draw the line of where we start and end?
Can you really draw a line around the forest edge, a line that’s constantly interacting with more beyond? Do you include that weed, that bird flying in and out, that raindrop about to fall? Do you count the air breathed, the view from a window miles away, the memory once gone, or the story of its existence?
We can draw a line in the sand to say this is my world, my home, the space where my impact ends, but how deep into the ground do you go, how high? Are we more than that which exists within our skin barrier? How does our energy change the room? How do we influence the air and interact with those around us? How far into yourself do you look, how far into your mind where your entire universe dwells? What impact have we imprinted onto others in the few moments we’ve lived?
Just some things I love to think about everyday. My site is one of many passions… from books and podcast notes, to news stories, and yes, LOTS of recipes.
I started a major shift in my life at 30 years old, and tried to document my understanding of these changes in notes and (very rarely) actually putting a small post out about them. Now a mom of 2 boys, I unexpectedly found myself with an herbalism credential, an advocate of forest education, and still find myself jumping down seemingly random rabbit holes from anywhere on the origins of religion and how our bodies work, to how the modern world is so against anything we now know about how to REALLY truly take care of ourselves. But the coolest thing has been learning, in this incredible age of COMMUNICATION, and mass information available to us, is our ability to dive into all these topics that once would have taken lifetimes to acquire.
So dive in, enjoy the ad-free, quiet space of my learning. As a full time mom, full time engineer, and full time person just in awe of life and learning, I do not come back as consistently as I would like, but you will see updates in odds and ends places as time goes on. This has become my haven of info, my place to get my thoughts together. If you have anything you would like to share, feel free to contact me via instagram @caulikween, or my facebook group for Forest Mamas.