

Human Biology

Human Biology

Human Brains Shrinking

While growing 4x the size in the last 2 Million years, they have shrunk by 10% in the last 5,000 years. This could mean we are more efficient, but coincides with larger communities, where we operate functionally and can rely on collective intelligence rather than individual knowledge. We do not have to have as good of memories- and we have mostly lost our tricks to retain large amounts of data (singing, native american map techniques for hundreds of miles, hula, persian language that won awards, greek scholars like socrates that did not beleive in writing, only oral commnunication, emphasis on egyptian and roman debate skills).

Sitting Linked to Dementia

Sitting for 10+ hours a day increases your risk for dementia, no matter how many times you get up in between.

  • at 10 hours, 8% increase.

  • at 12 hours, the increase in risk was over 63%, and

  • at 15 hours, 2x (200%)

RFK: A Different Kind of President

RFK: A Different Kind of President

